– A maestro always leaves his own characteristics in the work he produces. This characteristic is hard to find in the works of other artists and makes it has its own value in the eyes of art connoisseurs. One of the many Balinese painters who have characteristics that are difficult to find in other painters is I Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemecutan. He became the first painter and can be said to be the only one who succeeded in developing painting techniques using fingerprints.

Fingerprint painting technique was actually discovered by I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan accidentally. A successful failure. I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan tells that the inspiration initially arose when he worked on line dance paintings, precisely on April 9, 1967. Paintings that never finished made him upset. He also tried to damage the painting by sticking fingers full of paint onto the canvas surface. After some time was left, I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan pondered the painting and there was an inspiration to make the painting using the index finger.
Actually, the painting technique developed by I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan is included in the flow of pointillism. It’s just that, most of the painters of this genre still use brushes as painting tools. Meanwhile, I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan’s work was made using the index finger and only uses basic colors. Color gradations in paintings are produced from a combination of many points, so that the process also requires diligence and high accuracy.
Fingerprint paintings by I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan can be seen at the Fingerprint Painting Museum located at Jalan Hayam Wuruk no. 175, Denpasar. Most of the museum’s collections highlight the specialties of the painter’s work, which are composed of dots that form a unified painting. In addition to the collection of fingerprint paintings, in the first two exhibition hall segments, visitors can see the early works of I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan before the discovery phase of the fingerprint technique.
One of the best works of I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan is a painting that tells the story of the Puputan Badung War. In the painting, depicted the atmosphere of the battle between the Badung troops led by King Pemecutan against the Dutch troops. At the end of the battle, all Pemecutan troops were killed and only two babies survived. The work, which took up to 18 months to work, tells the life of the painter’s father, Anak Agung Gede Lanang Pemecutan. In the event of the war, the painter’s father was one of two babies who survived and became heirs of the noble breed of Pemecutan.
Besides painting, I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan is also a poet. The poems of his work use a lot of simple language, but has a deep meaning. Some of these poems are enshrined in the form of inscribed stone inscriptions displayed among the maestro’s paintings. The poems are also collected into a book, hoping to be an inspiration for generations to come.
I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan has great attention to the younger generation. The construction of the Fingerprint Painting Museum was not separated from his vision of the younger generation. Since the beginning of the idea, this museum does not only function as a vehicle to perpetuate the work of the maestro. This museum is also a vehicle for education.
In addition to displaying the works of I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan, this museum also routinely holds dance and painting classes for children and adolescents. In their old age, I Ngurah Gede Pemecutan hopes that the young generation of Bali will be proud of the traditional arts that are the identity of their homeland.
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