– Visiting Bali doesn’t feel complete if you don’t bring souvenirs typical of this area. Various accessories and clothes are hunted by tourists to be used as souvenirs. The One of them is a form of clothes decorated with baraong, also known as barong clothes. Barong Bali does have its own uniqueness. Not only interesting to enjoy in the form of dance, but these barongs are also beautiful clothes accents. You will easily find this barong clothes in tourist centers of Bali or even in traditional Balinese markets, such as the Sukawati market, the Badung market, the Ubud market, and the Kumbasari market.

SONY DSC However, if you are interested in seeing firsthand the production of these barong clothes, you can visit the village of Beng, which is in this district of Gianyar. You who from Denpasar can go to this village in 45 minutes or as far as 35 km. Next from the Gianyar astina field, you just have to continue the journey as far as 2 km and arrive at Jalan Gunung Agung. That’s where you will find a tourist village craft center barong clothes.
SONY DSC What makes this barong shirt even more interesting is that it does not use a hand made machine. The people of Beng Village continue to maintain traditional barong clothes making and their ancestral heritage for hundreds of years. Even though the market demand is so high for these barong clothes, Beng people still use traditional methods. Instead they make the job of tailor barong clothes as their main profession.
making barong clothes
bali barong clothes Based from rayon fabric, barong clothes are made like t-shirts without using a collar with the ends of the shirt left to be tufted and not sewn. In making barong clothes, they are divided into two groups, namely for colored basic cloth and white basic cloth. Making barong clothes with a white base cloth is fairly short because it can directly draw barong without the need to go through the coloring stage. So fabric that has been sewn to size can be painted directly on the barong picture.
barong clothes painter Instead of color-based barong clothes must first go through the process of post stitching based on size. How to color it by tying it using plastic straps and wrapping clothes with plastic on the front and back. This is intended to keep the white space where the barong is drawn. Other than those that are not tied and wrapped, the fabric will be dipped in the liquid coloring clothes. After finishing, the plastic wrapping cloth is opened and the clothes are washed and dried. If it is completely dry, then the clothes are left with a picture of barong.
gift-naphthol-1 The people in charge of drawing barong are those who do have painting skills. The use of coloring agents is not arbitrary but uses special dyes. As an initial stage, the barong painter draws a pattern on a shirt and is then colored. In painting barong on clothes does not require capable abilities but also requires extraordinary caution. This is because if an error occurs then the existing scratches cannot be deleted. Commonly used colors are black and red. This is because the administration of white naptol before the painting process will make black become brown and red become yellowish. Until finally you will see four colors.
Barong clothes that are ready to be marketed. The clothes of Beng Village production are not only marketed in the Bali area, but also in other major cities in Indonesia. Even now the marketing of Barong clothes in Desa Beng has entered international markets, such as the Netherlands and Australia. So when vacationing in Bali, don’t miss to visit the tourist villages in Bali which will add to your holiday experience.
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