Author: Balitraveldiary Admin

Yeh Buah Jembrana Waterfall Instagramable destination in Bali
Yeh Buah Jembrana Waterfall Instagramable destination in Bali – The existence of hidden tourism always makes Bali so interesting to visit. One hidden tourist destination that has recently experienced an increase in popularity is the Waterfall of the Buah Buah Jembrana. This waterfall offers an instagenic photo location against a background of flowing waterfalls like a natural curtain. The main uniqueness that […]

The Kayon Jungle Resort Ubud, The cool hotel in the middle of a forest
The Kayon Jungle Resort Ubud, The cool hotel in the middle of a forest – The most romantic honeymoon vacation to where? The answer to that question is none other than Bali. Moreover, Bali has long been known as a favorite vacation location, not only foreign tourists, but also local tourists. Plus, you can find complete romantic vacation support facilities when visiting Bali. One of them is the […]

Ipang Stalls Bali, Nusantara Beef Ribs Culinary
Ipang Stalls Bali, Nusantara Beef Ribs Culinary – Warung Ipang has become a well-developed restaurant chain in Indonesia. Besides having many branches in Surabaya, you can also find the existence of Warung Ipang Bali. Here, you can still enjoy delicious processed ribs with a different atmosphere. The reason is that the management is trying to bring the typical impression of the […]

Zula Vegetarian Paradise Seminyak
Zula Vegetarian Paradise Seminyak – Lifestyle is a choice that for most people, is a difficult thing. Moreover, when it comes to getting used to tasting healthy foods, most of which are vegetarian menus. Not to mention, you will also be quite difficult to find a place to eat vegetarian specialists who are also delicious. Well, if you […]

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